About the đź“š Coolify category

This category is to organize community knowledge gathered around Coolify to self-host applications on your own server.

The idea is that questions can be asked in the official discord server of Coolify with streams of things going on there.

And that out of these discussions, community knowledge guides get optimized and organized over here. Instead of having some fixed documentation somewhere in which people need to ask in a generic chat such as discord, this is documentation where you reply to the documentation item itself specifically.

Those blogposts get optimized by the questions asked and new things that happen after the blogpost is created. So they stay in sync depending on how much everyone cares about it.

A guide how to get started self hosting Coolify, how to get your first application on there, how to backup and restore. All types of typical things that is very likely going to happen to any Coolify user at some point.

A guide per application how to get it installed/deployed/selfhosted.

I have no issue of it being organized on the official Coolify docs or anywere else. Feel free to copy and use it however you like. While you copy, as a good gesture, it always helps to mention the sources and people who helped you. To keep those included. Not necessary, just helpful.

I, Ronald, like to avoid the same questions being asked over and over again due to distractions of large amounts of chats in discord.

And to have a place for starters.

Welcome to Coolify in the SelfHostCreators community.

This section represents a community-book of using Coolify.

What is a community-book?

We’re familiar with books. A book is usually written by a single author. If the book is about software, we usually call it “Documentation” or “Knowledge Base” instead. It can be written by multiple authors, however, usually documentation does not allow the readers to react, other than “Did this help?” boxes where you sent feedback in private back to the authors.

The idea here is that the feedback happens in public too. Whether the article is truthfull starts to become more visible when an article has 100’s of likes and the right types of energizing comments.

It’s different from a stream of questions in a groupchat or social media, as the articles here are types of content that:

Questions in groupchats:

  • Serves few people, mainly the person asking the question
  • Short-term value
  • Requires the “search” functionality to search lists of chats.
  • Unorganized

Articles from a community-book:

  • Serves many people
  • Long-term value
  • Get updated based on interest of authors and readers
  • Organized

Articles can be text-written as well as videos.

Knowledge levels

We’re all different people online. Some are 15 years old, some are 70 years old, but online we all have a username. Most of the times, I think, we don’t realize all the differences people have online. Some are business owners that have a skill to sell for €100k+, most of us are business owners that sell between €100 - €3000. Some of us know how to write any type of code into an application in a few days, while others are extremely happy to see a piece of copy pasted code working. For those reasons I’d like to set levels for using Coolify and the parts you understand, tells you where in the spectrum you are related to Coolify.

  1. Understanding the value of self-hosting.
  2. Action to get your first application hosted on your own server. Have an easy service app running on your own server using the Coolify cloud version.
  3. Have Coolify deployed on your own server and on your own (sub)domain with SSL.
  4. Flexibility & scaling. Adding & removing: extra RAM, extra storage, extra bandwidth, extra server. Creating & restoring backups. Moving an application from one to another server.
  5. Custom applications deployed using docker-compose
  6. Custom applications deployed using docker-image, public github, private github.
  7. Custom applications deployed using private gitea
  8. Production level; Developers advanced: security, offering apps as services in Coolify, etc.

About me

My name is Ronald, I’ve been into sharing knowledge effectevely since beginning of 2020. Started with answering questions in Facebook groups, until the questions got asked too often, which triggered me into creating video tutorials. That helped many people to visually see where to click and get along a thinking pattern. Made about 60+ videos, got about 4k subscribers from that, started building an online community using proprietary software (Circle, 79eu monthly), after a year I turned this from Circle to Discourse. I’ve organized various community meetup events. And over time I see better what works and what doesn’t work when it comes down to building community and effectevily sharing knowledge together. I’ve learned that in online communities there are very rich business owners as well as starting business owners. There are beginners of software that know very well how to sell and there are super advanced developers that struggle to make a living. Understanding the differences and similarities between all various types of people helped me to get on my path of teaching selfhosting as selfhostcreators.

The community book is one of my latest thoughts that I’d like to try out. To me it makes total sense at this time, what do you think?

Coolify levels

:one: Coolify starters
:two: Coolify intermediate
:three: Coolify experts

:one: Coolify starters

  • Add your first server to Coolify
  • Guide per app that is in the easy service list
    • Minio
    • n8n
    • Moodle
    • Supabase
    • …

:two: Coolify intermediate

  • Getting coolify to host on your own server with custom subdomain and SSL
  • Adding extra server(s) to Coolify
  • Docker-compose
  • Starting to dive into coolify docs

:three: Coolify experts

  • Security best practises
  • Production ready checklist
  • Cloudflare tunnels