Ask the Community, Pop Up URL Trouble

By Chase Sellmeyer

Has anyone been having trouble with the url pop-ups in 3DVista? When published, the pop-ups are saying "site refuses to connect" and will not show the website inside the tour. This is the first time I have had this issue. Oddly, when I link out of 3DVista and have the url launch in another window I don't have an issue.

I watched this great video from  on creating my own pop-up windows in the skin for URL and still received a "refused to connect" error.

Any help would be great. I have yet to find the tutorial or google search to fix the issue.

Cheers: Chase

Created at 2022-09-02T14:17:29.000Z

Hi dear 360 creators, @system

I have been trying to trigger a webhook to a website, I successfully achieve it, but it returns a link to a new website that I don’t need. I just want to send the GET fetch and maybe know what it responded. But not change my URL, I have tried with AJAX with fetch catch, with new XMLHttpRequest() but don’t succeed.

Can you help or have any advice?


I’m not sure, sounds a bit complicated to me as well.
Not sure if you’re using Make or n8n?

In n8n there’s a way to “respond width” and then “Redirect”. Hope it helps.

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Yes thanks! :sunglasses: