Can you make a Menu appear depending on where it is

Can you show a Menu depending on where the panorama is? Or the only way is to enable this option when opening a panorama?

When selecting a panorama in the list, you can add a panorama action > show/hide skin components and have the menu appear on that panorama (with the eye open icon on IN) and disappear when leaving the panorama (closed eye on OUT).

If you want different logic, keeping the menu open, even when leaving the panorama, you can click the blue two arrows in between IN and OUT and then select the eyes individually.

After that you copy the action, select another panorama in the list and paste the action. This way the skin won’t disappear if it goes from one panorama where it’s supposed to stay, but it will go away when it goes to a panorama without this action.

Hope it makes sense?

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Yes! Thank you!
Would this be used too for mobile menus?

Yes both desktop and mobile menus!

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