Self Host your 3DVista tours on Hetzner using Cloudflare, Coolify & Minio S3 buckets

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If anyone feels like sharing it in the 3DVista Users Group, that’d be great.
Jose from 3DVista put all my posts on his approval. He might not like this video, as he’s making a lot of money with selling 3DVista hosting.

Still this video is very relevant to the group as in the About section you can read:

Hi guys, we created this group for you 3DVista users to exchange ideas, tips, workflows, skins etc. in VT PRO. This group is not going to replace technical support (which needs to be via email as usual) as we cannot commit to regularly checking the content of this group. We also ask you to be kind to one another :wink:

So in order to reach his clients and truly help the 3DVista users, it’d be great to have this posted in there from different users like yourself. This is what I consider the true power of community, that a single person like me can’t be banned from having a different opinion.