Skin CMS not showing up in tour after following setup steps

Hi there, Just looking for some trouble shooting help testing this out to see if i can use on a larger project. I can’t seem to get the information to populate after following the steps a number of times. I assume I missing something simple.

  1. The air table and skin cms connect and communitcate.
  2. I’ve made the skin cms field mappings match the value in 3d vista
  3. I’ve copied the javascript into the main viewer and the scripts for the button that shows the information popup.

But when you preview the tour and lcik the button the pop up appears but the holding text remains the same…


Hi @nickpage2,


  1. check the main script (must be Main Viewer, must be On initialization), must be correct mapping
  2. check the open record script
  3. if 1 & 2 are correct, there must be some sort of error in the mapping, eg. wrong name of the component

If the above doesn’t work, you can schedule some time with me to do some live troubleshooting. Link has been sent to you in a private message.

Hey @nickpage2

Checking in with you, did you find out the solution?


Just coming back to this now. I’ll keep you posted thanks :slight_smile: